Plan Your Sunday Visit


We are so glad that you are interested in being our guest and worshipping with us!
We hope to meet you soon.

A Brief Introduction to Sunday Morning

We began streaming our Sunday service on the St. Michael’s YouTube channel at 10:00 a.m. due to the pandemic and continue to do so, although we resumed in-person some time ago. The liturgy for this service is Holy Eucharist, Rite II in the Book of Common Prayer. The St. Gregory Choir enhances worship at this service.

All baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion at the altar, standing or kneeling. To receive only the bread, hold up your cupped hands. To receive both bread and wine, leave your hands down as an indication to the minister. All are welcome to come to the altar for a blessing only. To indicate receipt of a blessing, cross your arms on your chest in an X.  Those unable to make their way to the altar are invited to sit in one of the pews identified for those with mobility issues. Communion will be brought to them in their pew.

Children in 4th grade and under may attend children’s chapel which takes place during the homily/sermon. Children may follow the banner down aisle. They will return at the Peace. The parish nursery is available for children ages three months and older. Look for signage when you park your vehicle.

Please join us for coffee after the service in Spencer Hall. Greeters and ushers will be happy to direct you there.

Disability parking in the circle drive (accessed from Nall Avenue) is reserved on Sundays.

If you desire additional information, please call the office during the week (prior to 2:00 p.m. on Friday, 913-236-8600) so that we may respond before the Sunday service.


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