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Experiencing God–Special Presentation for the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel

Thursday, September 26 @ 10:00 AM


Experiencing God invites you to a presentation by parishioner and artist Marty Pyle.

Marty is a gifted artist and among his creations are Christian icons, religious images of sacred people or events. Saint Michael’s is fortunate to be home to two of them. Take a peek in Cloud Chapel if you have not already seen them!

All are welcome as we celebrate our patronal feast with a stimulating talk about icons and the inspiration to create art.



Experiencing God is an opportunity to study scripture in community. Each week the lessons for the upcoming Sunday are discussed. We gather at 10:00 and discussion begins at 10:15. EG offers additional programs such as an annual Advent quiet day, monthly summer discussions, and special presentations. All are welcome and invited to become a part of this group.


September 26, 2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am


Bingham Room

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