Experiencing God–Advent Program
Come Away to a Quiet Place:
An Invitation to a Holy Advent
In the Beginning Was the Word. We will contemplate poetry, scripture, and the written word in this season of promise and preparation, a reflection of the bright dawn of the Word made flesh, making us a people of this light that might bring the light to the waiting world.
Many of us enter Advent feeling frenzied and not as joyful, hopeful, or loving as we desire. How do we- amidst work and social obligations of the season– embrace what matters most and brings us a deep sense of joy and peace? If we slow down and sit peacefully with our thoughts and emotions, it is then, in the quiet of our hearts, that we hear God’s gentle voice.
You are invited to join us on a contemplative path through Advent, to listen for the quiet voice of God who comes to us on tiny infant feet. Each meeting will focus on a theme—Light, Joy, and Promise. This is not another item on a holiday do-list but rather a time intentionally set aside to prepare your spirit to receive God’s message of peace, joy, hope, and love.