Dedication of the new Holy Family nativity


The parish is blessed to have a new nativity sculpted by parishioner and artist Marty Pyle. It will be unveiled and dedicated during the 10:00 a.m. service.

Blessing of Backpacks and Car keys


Students are invited to bring their backpacks and car keys to the 10AM service to be blessed for the school year. There will be a back to school bash immediately following the service.

Day of Pentecost


The Day of Pentecost is one of the seven principal feasts of the church year in the Episcopal Church. In the Christian tradition, Pentecost is the seventh Sunday after Easter. It emphasizes that the church is understood as the body of Christ which is drawn together and given life by the Holy Spirit. Some understand...

Ascension Day


Ascension Day is a principal feast day in the Episcopal Church. It marks the occasion on which the risen Christ is taken into heaven after appearing to his followers for forty days (Acts 1:1-11, Mark 16:19). It is the conclusion of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances and the final elevation of his human nature to divine glory...

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